4 Arm Kit


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4 Arm Kit containing all the parts needed to attach a Watsonian sidecar to a motorcycle-specific fitting kit



4 Arm Kit containing all the parts needed to attach a Watsonian sidecar to a motorcycle-specific fitting kit.

  • 2 x Lower Arm Blocks
  • 2 x SV53 Upper arm Clamps
  • 2 x Eye Bolts (please specify whether you require 3/4″ or 7/8″)
  • 2 x Straight Arms
  • 2 x Bent Arms

Please note – in order to attach a sidecar to a motorcycles, you will need a motorcycle-specific fitting kit on the bike; the 4 Arm Kit is attached to the sidecar and connects it to the fittings on the motorbike. Please contact us for details of fitting kits available.

Additional information

Weight 12.5 kg
Dimensions 45 × 35 × 38 cm